Why is Hunter Biden getting a get-out-of-jail-free card while Giuliani’s home is raided?

Source: Dailymail.com

Hunter Biden sure is safe from all forms of investigation, and this isn’t a joke, he now a Professor and tasked with lecturing about fake news now, how painfully ironic.

When news broke of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the emails within it, alongside entanglements he and his dirty firm, Rosemont Seneca having history of dealing at record levels with the Chinese Communist Party-affiliated companies, including the sale of Henninges – a company of which manufactures dual-use technology (i.e. applicable for military use) – to AVIC, a company affiliated with the CCP that manufactures fighter jets.

Of course, I’m only nailing what is the most damning evidence to this article, if you want a more comprehensive documentation of Hunter Biden’s dealing with the CCP and Ukrainian Oligarchs, I’ll leave several helpful links at the end of this article.

And just as the demand for an investigation into Hunter Biden, the Biden Family and potentially, family of key members of the Democratic Party due to the potentiality of compromised politicians (as Biden is now President) and damning evidence of Hunter Biden’s sex life and crack cocaine addiction alongside confirmation of the emails are not ‘Russian disinformation’ before complete static silence.

Now, with more evidence coming out about Hunter Biden and his text messages with Joe Biden, begging Joe to run for the presidency and winning it in order to ‘redeem’ or clean his reputation.

But of course, nothing will ever happen as far as one can predict unless massive outrage in a world where politics isn’t so dirty thanks to the partisan environment. If Hunter Biden was convicted, the mainstream media were to even report it accurately and Big Tech’s willingness to foster uncensored conversations about these topics, Hunter Biden is basically immune for the rest of his life.

But fringe conspiracy theories manufactured by the Democrats and their friends at the mainstream media about Giuliani and those affiliated with Conservative movements, to smear and tarnish their reputation is just your typical day as either a Conservative or Libertarian, and either you tramp over your principles or seeing your career and future decimated.

Remember, it was Chuck Schumer who said that the highly politicized intelligence community has 6 ways to target individuals. Highly politicized? Consider the FBI’s silence on the riots Antifa/BLM entire summer and perhaps upcoming riots while the FBI is looking for details about the people behind the Capitol Riots.

Rudy Giuliani is their next target. Democrats want him gone for his presence and support of President Trump. The FBI just conducted a search warrant on Giuliani’s apartment in Manhattan for his electronic devices for supposed foreign lobbying. Whether Giuliani is innocent or not, I don’t care until the FBI and the Intelligence community would put Hunter Biden’s past under scrutiny.

And how ironic for Hunter Biden, a guy showered with almost complete praise by the mainstream media and hailed as if he was some guy who redeemed himself while potentially damning the entire country’s national security to be a visiting professor, lecturing about fake news.

Nonetheless, Democrats want their friends to be immune and until Republicans get their act together, investigate the FBI for their wrongdoings and politicization of the Justice Department, then they might as well not fund the Justice Department.

Additional Information:

Riding the Dragon: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets by BlazeTV

What wasn’t in Hunter Biden’s book by Dailymail.com

Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm by New York Post

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